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The Stevenson Appeal Fundraiser

What a Night


There are so many people we need to thank & we're worried that we will forget some but let me mention a couple amongst many:


Craig Davidson - you are the only MC I know who can create a frenzy at a silent auction and have it all end without finding bodies flat on the floor. Sounded more like the calling of the Melbourne Cup but certainly did the trick. Brilliant job throughout the night my dear - we are all so appreciative of your energy both on & off the dance floor throughout the evening.


A special thank you to Denise Gore & her big group of food helpers for surviving with 1 oven and then none - don't think anybody starved.


Warren Gore jumped on board immediately when we mentioned this event & offered to 'put the band back together' - many asked if they were for hire they were that good.Dane, Daniel, Elli, Jack & Casey for working the bar.....& did they work it. Great job throughout the whole night.


Cat MacDonald, Kellie Taylor & Anne Cousens - thank you for taking charge of the payments at the end of the night. It was incredibly well organised by the 3 of you after my having said "here's the machine - go collect." Sorry


To our helpers who assisted with setting up the silent auction & the room, manning the welcome table, selling raffle tickets (honestly who could resist Miss Madison Gill's selling charm), collecting bottles, cans & glasses from around the room, checking on the silent auction throughout the night, etc, etc - a massive thank you.


Many thanks to the management committee/s of the sporting club for allowing us to hold the event within our community.To everyone who purchased tickets, donated food, auction items, coffee, milk & coffee cups, donated cash & has supported Sue, Gerard, Max & Zac - we thank you most sincerely.


Belinda Martin, your IT skills in setting up the website, ticketing process & online auction have helped make this a massive success. We did ok!!


And to Sue, Gerard, Max & Zac, thank you for allowing us to do this for you. It has been an overwhelming pleasure for all concerned xxxx



Tastepoint in 2015


Not all of us have cash or items to donate but could you donate 1 hour of your time to do a taste test?


Tastepoint is a market research compnay working in conjunction with the Meat and Livestock of Australia implementing meat taste testing to assist with improving the quality of Australian meat.


We need 75 volunteers to do a taste test and Tastepoint will give the Gerard Fund $1,000


All you need to do is register as an individual on the Tastepoint Website:


Then all you need to do is attend the taste test (which only takes 1 hour) at: TBA


Gerard Trust Fund Details


​A Trust has been set up for the Stevenson Family with every cent going directly to the family. You can either:

  • Deposit a sum of money into the trust

  • Pledge a weekly amount and direct debit it into the trust


Below are the details:


Bendigo Bank - Warrandyte Branch

Account Name:

S M Stevenson acting as Trustee for G J Stevenson

BSB: 633-000

Account Number: 152981379


For donations outside Australia the Swift code is: BENDAU3B




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